Monday, April 6, 2009

New life...a sure sign of Spring!!

We are excitedt to annouce the arrival of 5 new baby bunnies at our house! They are the bunny kits of Liesel's rabbit, Dafi. They were born around the 23rd of March & are doing great! As you can see, Liesel is so proud of her new arrivals. Yesterday was the first day we could actually hold them & take pictures!
There are 2 light brown ones, called 'chocolates' and 3 black & white ones, like their mother, Dafi.

I think this is the 'runt of the litter'. This one seems to be smaller than the rest, but is doing well nevertheless. They are soooooooo cute!

My Uncle Kay was down for Sunday dinner and Seth's birthday, & enjoyed seeing the new babies too! We are so proud that Dafi is a good mother. On a first litter, there is a 50/50 chance of the babies surviving. Sometimes the new mother doesn't know how to care for her young & will reject them. Dafi is a SUPER MOM & is taking good care of her kits. It has been so fun to watch them grow a little each day!

Seth, always the animal lover, gets to take a look at the babies close up. Their eyes opened at about Day 10. They are fattening up a little each day. If anyone is interested in a new pet, let us know. We want our bunnies to go to good homes. We don't know yet, how many boys or girls there are. In a few weeks I'll find out. Anyway, we have Spring Fever at our house for sure, and we're looking forward to some fun Easter pictures with our new bunny family! Hurry-up Spring!

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