Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Fling!!

What's better than this? Nothin!

A perfect Fall afternoon! We found an untouched area covered in fallen leaves! It was the perfect Fall afternoon pastime! What a wonderful play thing nature has provided in fallen leaves.

I haven't played in a pile of leaves for years! 'Leaf' it to my kids to bring out the kid in me again. It was irresistible, I jumped in too!
You've seen snow angels? How about leaf angels? It was perfect and not so cold.

Our playtime ended up in a big leaf fight!


  1. What a blast! We love the leaves too and actually didn't get to dive in this year! : ( Anyhoo, a big CONGRATS to Liesel!! Cole will be baptized next summer--what a milestone. What a good choice you've made, Liesel. Excited to see you all on Thanksgiving!!

  2. Yay, a new post! I love these pictures! My kids have played in that very same leaf pile. We celebrated my late grandfather's 100th birthday at the chapel at the state hospital last November. All the cousins had a blast playing in the leaves.

    We're coming to my Mom's for Thanksgiving (Wed thru Sat.) Will you be around? I'm ready for a nice long chat on your couch!

  3. The comment link is not working on Liesel's baptism post, so I'll comment here. Liesel looks so beautiful all in white. We loved the invitation you sent us and Lily was really bummed that we couldn't come (we had a few things going on at home that weekend.) So cool that Jesse was able to do the baptism. I was baptized by my older brother also. Hope to see you next weekend!
